Heart of the Story

Heart of the Story

In 1917 on January 10, Alice Paul and the NWP protested peacefully in front of The White House holding up banners. They were called the Silent Sentinels. One night, called the Night of Terror, 33 women, including Alice Paul, were protesting got imprisoned and that night faced brutality. On November 5, Alice Paul led a hunger strike along with others, because of this they were force fed. Word got out about the horrible treatment that the women were facing. After this event more people gave empathy towards women. The women were eventually released on November 28. Finally, in 1920, the 19th Amendment was ratified.

1917, The Silent Sentinels Protesting in front of The White House 

A Group of Suffragists Peacefully Protesting 

Forcible Feeding Poster Showing Women's Treatment

Mary Richardson Letter Talking About Her Experience with Forcible Feeding, 1914

The 19th Amendment