Context & Build-Up


Seneca Falls women’s suffrage convention was held in 1848. During 1866, Elizabeth Cady Stanton and Susan B. Anthony formed the AERA (American Equal Rights Association) having the goal of suffrage regardless of race or gender. Two years later the fourteenth amendment is ratified. Citizens and voters are defined as male. Because of this the next year the AERA was wrecked. The two women found NWSA in 1869. In 1870 the Fifteenth amendment is passed giving any race of men the right to vote. In 1895 the NAWSA started moving away from Stanton because of her radical ways.


NAWSA(National American Woman Suffrage Association) was lead by Susan B. Anthony and Carrie Chapman Catt. Alice paul learned how to defy the stereotypical women, and joined the women's suffrage group, NAWSA. In 1913, Alice Paul and the NAWSA held a parade to spread awareness about women’s suffrage legalization. When the women were in the parade spectators attacked the women and 100 women were sent to the hospital, policemen just observed it. Paul then separated because she wanted to perform more radically and formed the NWP, in 1916, to support women’s suffrage. ​​​​​​​

Who is Alice Paul?

Alice Paul was born in a Quaker family. Being a Quaker meant that you believed in relating to God directly, rather than participating in rituals or seeing priests. She went to England to study at a school for Quakers. While in England she met some suffragist that taught her the importance of performing in radical ways. In England she also got arrested on multiple different occasions. She got arrested so many times because of the performance of suffrage movements.

Photos That Go With Context

Seneca Falls Meeting in 1848

15th Amendment gets Ratified in 1870 

Susan B. Anthony 

Photos That Go With Build-Up

Alice Paul Sewing a Flag in 1912-1920

1913 Suffrage Parade for Women

National Women's Party campaigning for equal rights get arrested in 1918